WalletConnect Docs

WalletConnect on iOS and triggering a wallet interaction (e.g. when sending a transaction or signing a message), you may experience issues where the native app

WalletConnect is a protocol designed to facilitate secure and seamless communication between decentralized applications (dApps) and mobile wallets. It was introduced to address the limitations and security concerns associated with managing cryptocurrency transactions and interactions within the rapidly evolving blockchain ecosystem.

How WalletConnect Works

WalletConnect operates by establishing an encrypted connection between a dApp and a mobile wallet through a QR code or deep link. When a user attempts to connect their wallet to a dApp, the dApp generates a unique QR code containing a connection request. The user scans this QR code with their mobile wallet application, which then establishes a secure, encrypted session between the two parties. This connection enables the dApp to request transaction approvals from the wallet without exposing private keys or sensitive information.

Benefits of WalletConnect

  1. Security: One of the primary advantages of WalletConnect is enhanced security. Since private keys never leave the mobile wallet and the communication is encrypted end-to-end, the risk of key exposure or interception is significantly minimized.

  2. User Experience: WalletConnect improves the user experience by allowing users to interact with dApps directly from their mobile wallets. This eliminates the need for browser extensions or desktop-based wallets, making it more convenient, especially for mobile users.

  3. Interoperability: The protocol supports a wide range of wallets and dApps, fostering interoperability within the blockchain ecosystem. Users can choose from numerous WalletConnect-compatible wallets and still access a variety of dApps without being locked into a specific platform.

  4. Flexibility: WalletConnect allows users to approve transactions on their mobile devices, regardless of where the dApp is accessed from. This means users can initiate a transaction on a desktop computer and approve it from their mobile wallet, providing greater flexibility and convenience.

Use Cases

WalletConnect is versatile and supports numerous use cases within the blockchain space:

  • DeFi (Decentralized Finance): Users can engage with DeFi platforms, such as lending and borrowing protocols, staking services, and decentralized exchanges, directly from their mobile wallets.

  • NFT Marketplaces: WalletConnect enables secure purchases, sales, and interactions with non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on various marketplaces.

  • Gaming: Blockchain-based games often require users to interact with smart contracts, and WalletConnect provides a secure and user-friendly method for these interactions.

  • DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations): Members can vote on proposals and participate in governance activities through WalletConnect-enabled wallets.

Last updated